Archivi categoria: Tutorial Nurunner

Nurunner 16.12 KDE. Installation and Overview.

New release of Nurunner 16.12 KDE. Installation and Overview.
Nurunner is on the leading edge of KDE software. Featuring the newest version of Plasma coupled with a solid Manjaro base and fantastic customizations, you’re sure to find Nurunner to be both beautiful and blazing fast.
Release details:
“Linux Kernel 4.9.0
Plasma 5.8.5
Frameworks 5.29
Applications 16.12.0
Qt 5.7.1
Firefox 50.1
Thunderbird 45.6.0
LibreOffice 5.2.4
Virtualbox 5.1.12
VLC 2.2.4
Calamares 2.4.5.”